
iloubnan review Antigone

iloubnan review Antigone

Knowing that none of these women had any experience with performing, and that, for many, it was their first time in a theatre, made their performances even more touching. The audience appreciated the resilience they showed as they told their heart-breaking personal tragedies in front of complete strangers.

Antigone, the play’s heroine is almost seen as a role model for the cast. She, who defies the King and decides to give her brother a proper burial despite his objection, is looked upon with reverence. The women try to work out which role they should have in the play, the brave Antigone or her more subordinate sister, Ismene. To the audience, they were all Antigones. 

Lebanese based agency iloubnan write about Antigone of Syria

Lebanese based agency iloubnan write about Antigone of Syria

For many women the project represents an essential escape from their troubled lives. For that reason, Aperta are looking for ways to keep the project running after the performance, establishing a set up where the women can run their own workshops and in turn train others. The performance will be recorded and shared on the internet in a hope to encourage others to gain empowerment through theatre.